Tropinet Vol. 9 No. 1, March 1998
Association for Tropical Biology on the World Wide Web at ATB members may want to check their listings in the Membership Directory posted on the homepage.
The work of Paul Richards lives on
by Robin L. Chazdon, University of Connecticut, and President, Association for Tropical Biology
Tropical biologists have come to associate the name of Paul Richards with his comprehensive book, The Tropical Rain Forest, first published in 1952. Richards' book provided an unequaled comparative look at tropical rain forest areas in the Americas, Asia and Africa. This popular work went through six printings, was issued as a paperback in 1979, and has been translated into Chinese, Russian, and Japanese. In 1996, the second edition was published. Unfortunately, Richards died in October 1995, before the splendid new (and improved) edition hit the presses.
The Association for Tropical Biology honored Paul Richards as an honorary fellow in 1984. This was only one of many honors and recognitions that Paul received. A bryologist by training, he served as President of the British Bryological Society for two periods, and was made an honorary member of the British Ecological Society in 1977. Richards was awarded a Bullard Fellowship at Harvard University in 1964-65 and taught in the first OTS field course in Costa Rica.
Dr. Richards is fondly remembered by colleagues and friends. Below are a few of the many wonderful things that can be said of Paul's contributions to the study of the world of tropical rain forests.
The genesis of tropical ecology's boom epoch can be dated from the publication of Paul Richards' A Tropical Rain Forest Paul's hallmark was comprehensive synthesis. Little tropical literature of significance escaped his perusal, and he coupled that thoroughness with an uncanny ability to stitch the bits together into a thoroughly readable yet encyclopedic overview.-Jack Ewel
Professor P.W. Richards' life spanned most of the Twentieth Century, giving him an extraordinary perspective on the astounding changes that tropical forests experienced in that time. Some of these profound changes ranged from expeditionary to field station research, writing two classic reference books that stimulated research interest in tropical forests, to observing the incredible assaults on tropical forests. Richards made enormous contributions to expanding the scientific knowledge about tropical forests, while advocating their conservation. He also served as a professor in one of the earliest OTS courses in Costa Rica to stimulate faculty interest in tropical forest research. It is doubtful that any other individual will ever again see and document the range of changes in tropical forests than Paul Richards.-Gary Hartshorn
His rain forest work was important far beyond its significance for tropical plant ecologists. It provided a new benchmark for hypotheses regarding processes structuring forest communities at a time when ecologists were debating the applicability of Clementsian superorganisms and Gleasonian individualstic communities. Historically the development of plant ecology has been influenced somewhat obliquely by tropical complexity through the field experiences of several early ecologists. Richards provided the synthesis and vision that brought tropical ecology onto the stage as a field worthy of spirited inquiry.-Julie Denslow
The work of Paul Richards holds an important place in the development of tropical biology in the 20th century. In addition to The Tropical Rain Forest, he has also written a well-received and well-illustrated popular book, The Life of the Jungle (1970), among many other publications. Through his works, Richards will keep alive the grand tradition of botanical exploration in the tropics. May we all aspire to the vibrant descriptions and insightful observations of this humble, but astute, scholar, educator, and writer. Source: Willis, A. J. 1995. Obituary, Paul Westmacott Richards, CBE (1908-1995) Journal of Ecology 84, 795-798.
Forest Canopies 1998: Global Perspectives. The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, Florida. 4-9 November. The conference will provide an international forum for discussion of forest canopy conservation, research and education. The session topics have been expanded to include policy issues and how scientists can better communicate their findings to facilitate conservation and management of forest resources. Also offered is a pre-conference workshop where students and educators will interact with canopy scientists, and several post-conference field trips, including one to Peru to visit the world's largest canopy walkway. The list of speakers, session chairs and topics are all very exciting, and the Selby gardens offer a wonderful environment for discussion and brain-storming throughout the four day meeting. Because of the interactive nature of the symposium, attendance is strictly limited to 250 participants. Registration is first come, first serve. Information: Meg Lowman, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. 811 South Palm Ave., Sarasota, Florida 34236-7726. Tel: (941) 366-5731. Fax: (941) 366-9807.A post-conference field trip to Amazonian Peru will be sponsored by Rainforest Ventures, Inc. and the Selby Botanical Garden. 9-14 November. The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER) is located in the primary rainforest of northeastern Peru off the R¡o Sucasari. Located at the ACEER is the longest canopy walkway in South America. It reaches a height of 36 meters and extends for more than 400 meters from beginning to end. It consists of nine connected, observational platforms. Cost: $1950.00. Deposit required by 15 June 1998. Information: Stephen L. Timme, Email: Jim Castner, Email: WWW:
Natural Areas Workshop in Brazil, 21 March - 1 April 1998. This spring the Natural Areas Association will sponsor its third international workshop for natural areas and forest management professionals. In Brazil, we will visit a variety of protected areas to learn about local research and management issues and to share information and experiences among the participating conservationists from different countries. Our guides are our host country colleagues who will show us some of the most outstanding conservation projects and achievements in the states of Rio de Janiero and Minas Gerais. The focus will be on the cooperative role that private and government conservation lands play in protecting Brazil's biodiversity. We hope that participants will develop on-going international relationships which will further communication and biodiversity conservation research, management and policy in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
We will visit national parks, state parks, city parks and private reserves, many of them in the highly threatened Mata Atlantica (Atlantic Coastal Forest). In addition to a wide variety of plants and birds, we will have the opportunity to see golden lion tamarins and to learn how they and their habitats are being protected through a variety of creative public and private intiatives. We will tour the following sites by boat and/or foot and will talk with resident managers and staff: Tijuca National Park, Silva Jardin, Fazenda Bom Retiro, Itatiaia National Park, Ibitipoca State Park, Ouro Preto, Poco das Antas Biological Reserve, Ilha Grande State Park, and Buzios. Our trip will begin and end in Rio de Janeiro where we will also take advantage of the city and its beaches.
The price of the trip is $1,595 per person, which covers food, lodging, in-country transportation and guides, but does not include airfare between the US and Brazil. For more information and/or to make reservations, please contact: Abigail Rome, 1939 Lamont Street, Washington, DC 20010, (202) 778-9793 (w); (202) 234-2120 (h). Email:
We are looking for individuals and organizations who can be be co-sponsors to provide funding for Latin Amercan conservation professionals to attend the workshop and share their unique perspectives. Please contact Abigail Rome if you can help.
Mesoamerican Decline Symposium. La Universidad Autonoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Hoduras. 24 June 1997. The First Symposium on Mesoamerican Amphibian Population Declines was held at the First Congress and Second General Assembly of La Sociedad Mesoamericana. The symposium goals were to encourage amphibian population monitoring and survey by Central American biologists. Deforestation and poor land practices in highly human-populated areas were attributed as causes for most widespread amphibian losses. However, reports of mysterious large-scale amphibian disappearances in relatively pristine regions of Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras dominated the tone of the meeting. FROGLOG of January 1998 (Number 25) gives more information regarding this conference, and for further information contact: Erik Lindquist, Dept. of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405.
Creation of Amana Reserve. The government of the State of Amazonas in Brazil has announced the creation of the Amana Reserve, the largest protected area of tropical rainforest in South America. The Amana Reserve covers 2,350,000 ha, an area about the size of Belgium. The Amana Reserve contains spectacular and untouched biodiversity, including endangered Amazonian manatees, black caimans, river dolphins, anacondas, jaguars, black uakari monkeys, harpy eagles, and a wealth of plants and aquatic life. The Amana Reserve is located in the central Amazon basin, between the Negro and Japura Rivers, two major tributaries of the Amazon River. The Amana Reserve joins the Mamiraua Flooded Forest Reserve and the Jau National Park, thus forming a rainforest corridor of more than 5,766,00 ha (22,523 square miles), an area larger than the entire countries of Switzerland or Costa Rica, and the largest protected forest area on the planet.
Field Station Profile:Tortuguero Biological Field Station
Costa Rica
Located adjacent to Tortuguero National Park, Tortuguero Biological Field Station is a 20,000-hectare preserve along the Atlantic coast of northeastern Costa Rica. Tortuguero National Park joins the Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge by way of a biological corridor. These two protected areas connect with the 290,000-hectare Indio-Maiz biological reserve in Nicaragua, making this the largest contiguous block of tropical wet forest north of the Amazon. A rich diversity of plant and animal species thrives in the forest, coastal strand, marsh and swamp ecosystems that are all within walking or boating distance of this comfortable and modern facility.
Various habitats support more than 2,000 species of plants, including over 400 species of trees. Tortuguero's wildlife includes over 250 species of reptiles and amphibians, 400 species of birds, and 97 species of mammals. In the many freshwater creeks and rivers of the area, 184 species of fish have been recorded, including tarpon, shark and gar, as well as crocodile, river otter and manatee. Water fowl and wading birds, macaws, peccaries, toucans, herons, five species of felines, three species of monkeys, tapirs, sloths, iguanas, fish-eating bats, giant anteaters, transparent glass frogs and poison dart frogs are just a few of the many species found in this ecologically-rich region.
The black sand beaches of Tortuguero provide nesting habitat for four species of endangered marine turtles, and host the largest nesting population of green turtles in the Western Hemisphere. The Costa Rican government established Tortuguero National Park in 1970 to protect this important turtle rookery.
Most of the park is low alluvial floodplain, which extends far inland, and is occasionally interrupted by isolated volcanic hills of 100-300m. The newly constructed research station is staffed year-round, providing comfortable accommodations for up to 24 people. For larger groups, additional housing can be arranged. Rooms and bathrooms are dormitory-style and laundry service is available. The station provides a relaxed working environment for researchers staying any length of time. The laboratory has space for sample preparation and storage, with access to sinks and cold storage. A small library serves as a quiet reading room and houses a growing collection of reference materials and scientific articles.
Separate permits are required to conduct research and collect specimens within the protected areas. Researchers can receive information on obtaining permits by notifying Caribbean Conservation at least 90 days prior to need. Guide services, research assistants and in-country travel can be arranged through Caribbean Conservation Corporation. The station is an ideal site for meetings, conferences, and seminars. For more information: In the United States: P.O. Box 2866, Gainesville, FL. 32602-2866. Tel: (904) 373-6441. Fax: (904) 375-2449. Email: In Costa Rica contact: Apartado Postal 246-2050, San Pedro, Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 224-92-15. Fax: (506) 225-75-16.
Meetings and Events
Items marked (*) are new this issue
*2nd International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons and 3rd International Symposium on Grass Systematics and Evolution - Monocots II. Sydney, Australia, 27 September-7 October. Information: Mrs. Karen Wilson, Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquaries Rd., Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. Fax: +61-2-9252-7231. Email: WWW:*Making Connections: International Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Austin, Texas, 28-30 September. The 1998 International SER Conference will call attention to shared backgrounds and concerns for the land that form the basis for fruitful interaction. The conference will include a variety of pre-conference field trips and New Academy Workshops. All abstract and proposal submissions are due 15 March. Information: Society for Ecological Restoration, 1207 Seminole Highway, Suite B, Madison, WI 53711. Tel: (608) 262-9547. Fax: (608) 265-8557. Email:
*Biodiversity and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles of Tropical Forests. Hanoi, Vietnam. 1-3 June. Information: Professor Kao Van Sung. Institute of Ecology and Bioresources. Vietnam National Institute for Natural Science and Technology, Nghia Do-Tu Liem-Hanoi, Vietnam.
*Ecological Restoration. Chicago, IL. 6-7 June. Information: The Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadily, London, UK, W1V 0LQ.
Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting. Baltimore, 2-6 August. ATB will meet with the American Institute of Biological Sciences and affiliated societies. The meeting will include symposia, contributed papers, and poster sessions. Meetings of the ATB Council and Board of Editors will be scheduled during the meeting. The Organization for Tropical Studies, celebrating its 35th anniversary, will hold a joint mixer with ATB. ATB will host a banquet for members and friends. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 30 January 1998. Information: WWW: or ATB Program Chair, Dr. Preston Aldrich, Department of Botany, MRC-166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. Email:
Ecological Society of America. The ESA will hold its 83rd Annual Meeting in Baltimore, 2-6 August, in concert with the annual meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. Baltimore is situated at the mouth of the Patapsco River, emptying into Chesapeake Bay. With the Bay's watershed having the highest land-water ratio of any major body of water in North America, the conference theme "Ecological Exchanges Between Major Ecosystems" has been chosen. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 31 January 1998. Information: WWW: or ESA Program Chair, Dr. Fred Wagner, Ecology Center, Utah State University , Logan, UT 84322-5205. Tel: (801) 797-2555. Email:
American Institute of Biological Sciences. Baltimore, 2-6 August. The theme of this year's meeting is "Managing Human-Impacted Systems". Information: WWW: or Marilynn Maury, AIBS Meetings Director. Tel: (703) 834-0812 x203; Fax: (703) 834-1160; .
North American Ornithological Conference. St. Louis, Missouri, 6-12 April. Annual meeting of the AOU, AFO, COS, CWS, and AWOS with RRF special symposium. Information: Bette Loiselle, Local Co-Chair, Dept. of Biology, University of Missouri St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63121-4499. Tel: (314) 516-6224, Email:
Columnar Cacti and their Mutualists: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation. Tehuacan City, Mexico, 29 June &endash; 3 July. Workshop/symposium including invited talks, posters, informal discussions, and field trips. Information: Ted Fleming. Tel: (305) 284-6881. Fax: (305) 284-3039. Email: or or Alfonso Valiente-Banuet .
Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 18-22 July. Contributed talks and posters on "Spiders in Behavioral Ecological Research". Plenary speakers include Sidney Gauthreaux, Jane Brockmann, and Jeff Galef. Information: Lee Drickamer, Local Host, Dept. Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, 62901. Tel: (618) 536-2314. Email: WWW:
INTECOL: VII International Congress of Ecology. Florence, Italy. 19-25 July. Information: Almo Farina, INTECOL Vice President, Secretariat VII International Congress of Ecology, Lunigiana Museum of Natural History, Fortezza della Brunella, 54011 Aulla, Italy, Tel: +39-187-400252. Fax: +39-187-420727. Email: WWW: .1999
*Change and Disturbance in Tropical Rain Forest in South East Asia. London, UK., 20-21 January. Information: Science Promotion Section. The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London, UK. SWIY5AG. WWW:
*13th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects. Adelaide, S. Australia. 29 December 1998-4 January. Information: Congress Secretary, Michael Schwarz, School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University of S. Australia, Bedford Park, SA. 5042, Australia. Email: HYPERLINK mail to:, WWW:
Ometepe Biological Field Station: Advanced Primate Behavior and Ecology. Summer 26-day courses located in field station on Ometepe, an island in Lake Nicaragua. Vertebrates of Lake Nicaragua. 22 June-17 July. Limnology of Lake Nicaragua. 26 day course: 22 June-17 July. Information: P.O. Box 59-1768, Miami, FL, 33159-1768. Email: WWW:
La Suerte Biological Field Station, Costa Rica: Tropical Herpetology. 22 June-17 July. Diversity, Ecology and Behavior of Neotropical Birds. 20 July-14 Aug. Biology of Neotropical Fish. 25 May-19 June. Rainforest Ecology. 25 May-19 June, 22 June-17 June, 20 July-14 Aug. Information: P.O. Box 59-1768, Miami, FL, 33159-1768. Email: WWW:
Postdoctoral position in tropical animal communities, University of Puerto Rico. A 1-2 year position for a Postdoctoral Associate is available for work at El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico, conducting research on animal communities in collaboration with the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research (LUQ-LTER) program. The principal task for the researcher will be to conduct manipulative studies of food webs at El Verde. Additional time will be devoted to assisting LUQ-LTER researchers in monitoring animal populations and to their own research. This position is available beginning 1 July 1998. Special consideration will be given to under-represented minority and female applicants. Please submit curriculum vitae, description of research interests, and three letters of reference to the address given below. Application deadline is 17 February 1998. Direct applications to: Jess K. Zimmerman, Director, Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, University of Puerto Rico, GPO Box 363682, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA 00936-3682. Fax: 787-758-0815. Email: Information about LUQ-LTER and El Verde Field Station can be viewed at --Jess K. Zimmerman
Postdoctoral Research Associate. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to assist in a study of the biodiversity and ecology of Neotropical myxomycetes. This two-year position, which is being funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, will begin on 15 August at an anticipated starting salary of $26,000 per year plus benefits. A Ph.D. in mycology or a related area in the biological sciences is required. Applicants with some expertise in molecular systematics are preferred. The successful candidate will be responsible for carrying out field studies in Central and South America, supervising undergraduate student research projects, and developing and analyzing computer databases. To apply: send letter of application summarizing academic background and research experience, curriculum vitae, copies of university transcripts, and three letters of reference to Dr. Steven L. Stephenson, Department of Biology, Fairmont State College, Fairmont, West Virginia 26554. Tel: (304) 367-4158. Fax: (304) 367-4304. Email:
Postdoctoral Position in Population Genetics in Tropical Forests. The INRA research station in Kourou (French Guyana) seeks a postdoctoral Position in population genetics in tropical forests. The general research project consists of the description and evolution of gentic diversity on a limited number of tree species having contrasting life history characteristics. A current set of data on the fine scale spacial genetic structure for nuclear and chloroplast gene markers is being accumulated for fifteen species having contrasting spatial distributions, mating system, and dispersion mechanisms. The successful candidate will be in charge of experimental studies on gene flow and demographic dynamics. S/he will work in close cooperating with ecologists conducting research in natural regeneration and competition. The research will include the application or creation of metapopulation and dynamic models to existing data sets; modelling of spatial genetic structure as a result of gene flow will be of particular interest. Requirements: Doctoral degree in population genetics with postdoctoral experience, skills in statistics and modelling, experience in ecology and tropical forestry research. Applications: Send CV, list of publications, and two letters of reference to: Antoine Kremer, INRA, BP45, 33611 Gazinet Cedex, France. Deadline is March 20th. Information: Dr. Pierre-Michel Forget. Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Generale, URA 1183 CNRS-MNHN, Research Team: Regeneration forestiere, interactions plantes-animaux 4, Avenue du Petit Ch¡teau, F-91800 Brunoy, France. Tel: (33) 01-60-47-92-03. Fax: (33) 01-60-46-81-18. Email: WWW:
Two-year postdoctoral position in tropical canopy ecophysiology - available immediately. The applicant must have or anticipate completing a PhD in 1998 in plant ecology, plant ecophysiology, tree physiology, forestry, or related field. Statistical, computing, and technical skills with gas exchange equipment are highly desirable. Fluency in Spanish is desirable, but not essential. Ability to publish in English-language journals is required, but individuals of any nationality will be considered. Salary is competitive. The project will include large scale experimental manipulation of the environmental determinants of canopy gas exchange and carbon balance. Much of the field work will be accomplished from large industrial free-standing cranes located on each coast of the Isthmus of Panama. Applicants should expect to spend most of their time housed at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, with periodic stays in Gainesville, Florida. Closing date is 30 March 1998 but may be extended until the position is filled. Send CV, copies of reprints, and names of references to Stephen Mulkey at the University of Florida. Inquiries by phone are welcome. The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer. Stephen S. Mulkey, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, 220 Bartram Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8526. Phone: 352-392-2775. Fax 352-392-3993. e-mail: WWW:
Plant Population Geneticist: University of Toronto. The Department of Botany, University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level effective 1 July 1998. They seek a plant geneticist with research interests in population and evolutionary genetics. Particularly interested in applicants using molecular and theoretical approaches to the study of evolutionary processes and with interest in teaching genetics and evolution. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous, externally funded research program, train graduate students, and teach at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. A Ph.D and post-doctoral experience is expected. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, copies of up to five recent publications, statements of research and teaching interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to: Professor Spencer Barrett, Chair of Population Genetics Search Committee, Department of Botany, University of Toronto, 25 Willcocks St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5S 3B2.
Funding Opportunities
The Center for Field Research: Field Grants. Invites proposals for 1998-99 field grants funded by Earthwatch. Earthwatch is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to sponsoring field research and promoting public education in the sciences and humanities. Information: The Center for Field Research, 680 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02272, Tel: (617) 926-8200. Fax: (617) 926-8532, Email: WWW:
International Workshop on Rodent Biology and Integrated Pest Management in Africa Proceedings. H. Leirs and E. Schockaert. 1997. Supplement to vol. 127 of the Belgian Journal of Zoology. Contains 19 articles on different aspects of rodent biology, rodent problems in agriculture, public health, and rodent management. $30.00 US + postage. Orders: Frank Fiers. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: (+32-2) 627-42-80. Fax: (+32-2) 627-41-13. Email: .
The Butterflies of Costa Rica: vol. 2. Riodinidae P.J. DeVries. 1997. Princeton University Press. The long-awaited second volume of DeVries' handsome and information-packed series includes identification, taxonomy, life history, distribution, host plant relationships, and ecological relationships. 368 pp. ISBN: 0-691-02889-3
A Neotropical Companion, Second Edition. J. Kricher. 1997. Princeton University Press. Written to serve as an introduction to the Neotropics, the revised edition is expanded throughout, with new chapters on riverine ecology, montane ecology, human ecology, and biodiversity and conservation issues. 536 pp. ISBN: 0-691-04433-3. $29.95. 822-6657 (800) 777-4726.
A Sourcebook for Conservation and Biological Diversity Information. K. Grose, E.S. Howard, and C. Thiery (eds). 1995. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 311 pp. Paperback: $46.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0215-1. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414. Email:, WWW: This volume provides a road map to key resources, data, and services for IUCN offices and members. Included is a directory of information resources within the greater IUCN family as well as the principal partners UNEP and WWF International; and guidance to important literature, information systems, and electronic networks.
Conservation Thesaurus. T. Moritz. 1996. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 39 pp. Paperback: $16.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0231-3. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW: This structured list of "keywords" has been compiled to aid indexing of conservation and biological diversity information. Terms were selected from lists already in use within IUCN and from such internationally accepted sources as the OECD Macrothesaurus.
Debt Swaps for Sustainable Development: A Pracical Guide for NGOs. J. Kaiser and A. Lambert. 1996. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 70 pp. Paperback: $13.50. ISBN: 2-8317-0362-X Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA, 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW: This publication is aimed at helping IUCN's members to understand the scope and mechanisms of debt conversion and to spot opportunities for their own action in this important field.
Orchids: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. A.M. Pridgeon. E. Hagsater and V. Dumont (eds). 1996. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 161 pp. Paperback: $32.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0325-5. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414. Email:, WWW:
Wild Cats: Status Survey and Conservation. K. Nowell and P. Jackson (eds). 1996. IUCN Publications. Cambridge, UK. 406 pp. Paperback: $53.50. ISBN: 2-8317-0045-0. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW:
Crocodiles: An Action Plan for their Conservation. 1992. IUCN Publications. Cambridge, UK. 144 pp. Paperback: $27.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0189-9. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707), WWW:
Forest Protection in Ghana. W.D. Hawthorne and M. Abu-Juam. 1995. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 219 pp. Paperback: $28.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0261-5. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW: This report looks at the historical background and forest conditions today, summarizes a recent botanical survey, and offers recommendations for a new management regime given the seriously threatened state of many forest reserves.
Extractive Reserves. J.R. Marrieta and R.P. Rueda. 1995. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 143 pp. Paperback: $25.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0273-9. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW: Translated from Portuguese, this account of extractive reserves in the Brazilian Amazon region provides practical examples of sustainability based on first-hand reports. The historical background is followed by examination of social organization, analyses of the economic viability of reserves, the key elements in developing an extractive reserve system, establishment of legislation in Brazil, and subsequent management.
Non-Timber Forest Products: Ecological and Economic Aspects of Exploitation in Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. G. Broekhoven. 1996. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 125 pp. Paperback: $25.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0308-5. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW:
Plantations in the Tropics: Environmental Concerns. J. Sawyer. 1993. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. 96 pp. Paperback: $20.00. ISBN: 2-8317-0139-2. Orders: Island Press, Box 7, Dept. 3G, Covelo, CA. 95428. Tel: (800) 828-1302. Fax: (707) 983-6414., WWW:
Updated Amphibians Species of the World. 1997. F.Glaw and J.Kohler. Can be download from Contains updated amphibian taxonomy for over 4300 species.
A Neotropical Companion, Second Edition. J. Kricher. 1997. Princeton University Press. Written to serve as an introduction to the Neotropics, the revised edition is expanded throughout, with new chapters on riverine ecology, montane ecology, human ecology, and biodiversity and conservation issues. 536 pp. ISBN: 0-691-04433-3. $29.95. 822-6657 (800) 777-4726.