TROPINET Vol. 6, No. 3 September 1995
Editor: Elizabeth Braker, Department of Biology, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA 90041. FAX 213- 341- 4974, Email BBRAKER@OXY.EDU, MCI 387- 8813. Associate Editor: Lucinda McDade, EEOB Department, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721. Editorial Assistant: Dylan Schilk
1995 Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting
by Lucinda McDade, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ USA 85721
The annual meeting of ATB was held in conjunction with the American Institute of Biological Sciences at San Diego during early August 1995. A total of 10 sessions was presented by ATB, including three symposia (Modern and Paleophytogeography of Tropical America; Exploitative Interactions of Flowers and Insects: The Evolution of Balanced Conflict; Reproductive Biology and Speciation in Dry Tropical Regions). The third of these symposia will be reviewed below. In addition to scientific sessions, there was a great deal of discussion, give and take, and debate in multiple languages in the hallways outside of the meetings. Thanks are owed to program organizer Stephen Bullock for putting together an excellent series of talks and posters.
As usual, a highlight of the meetings was the ATB banquet. While the other societies held their banquets within the safe (and not very interesting) confines of the hotel complex in which the meetings were held, ATB ventured forth in strong numbers to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Before dinner, we toured the park on the monorail (I don't think that the guide realized that many of his riders knew considerably more about tropical animals than he!), and then had drinks and hors d'oeuvres on the outdoor patio, courtesy of the Organization for Tropical Studies and hosted in person by Executive Director Don Stone. Dinner was also served outside and was excellent - - a far cry from the usual banquet fare. The after dinner talk was, as is our custom, by the president of our society, yours truly. As intended, there was a great deal of laughter and at least a little bit of thinking. Many thanks to local representative Beth Braker who had the courage to go against the flow and lead us out of the hotel!
The symposium on plant reproductive biology in dry tropical regions was organized by Gerhard Gottsberger and myself, with considerable involvement by Steve Bullock as well. The session began with a masterful overview of tropical dry regions by Gerhard Gottsberger. Phil Jenkins (with co- authors P.S. Martin, L.A. McDade, M. Fishbein, T.R. Van Devender, and A. Burquez) discussed plant phonological patterns in tropical dry forest (TDF) near the northern extreme of its range in NW Mexico. This area experiences a much cooler winter than is typical of TDFs, and has a marked contribution from north temperate groups to its flora. In this community, peaks of flowering and fruiting activity closely follow the two annual peaks of rainfall, with a profound reduction in reproductive activity during the very profound main dry season (late spring/early summer). Trees prove to be an exception to this pattern, in that they continue to flower during the main dry season, a pattern that has been observed in other TDFs.
Ilse Silberbauer- Gottsberger presented the second talk (co- authored by G. Gottsberger) which summarized patterns of flowering and fruiting (including pollination and seed dispersal) based on a study of marked individuals in the Brazilian cerrado vegetation. Here too, flowering and fruiting generally track rainfall, but not as strictly as in TDF in NW Mexico. This sort of study, with marked individuals, offers the important advantage of yielding data, not just on numbers of species in flower and fruit, but of number of individuals. Thus, it is intriguing that Mar- Jul saw only 2- 4 species in flower, but these were common species so that the number of flowering individuals was high. Flowers of most species were pollinated by insects and fruits of most species were dispersed by animals.
The third talk, given by Marcelo Aizen (co- authored by P. Feinsinger) dealt with the 'hot' topic of forest fragments, in this case in dry Chaco forest of northern Argentina. The authors found that fragmentation decreased the abundance and diversity of native pollinators and increased the abundance of exotic Africanized bees. Although it cannot yet be shown that this resulted in less pollen transfer in more isolated fragments, there is an indication of more inbreeding in smaller fragments. Further, seed production was about 20% less in fragments that in continuous forest. The sort of detailed and painstaking study undertaken by these authors is vital to understand the impact of fragmentation of all natural vegetation types.
Paulo E. Oliveira next presented results of an intriguing study of the reproductive biology of vicariant species pairs found in open cerrado habitats in Brazil and in proximate tropical moist forests (including gallery forests even within the cerrado). Individuals of these pairs of closely related species are often large trees in the forest versus shrubs in the cerrado. In the cases studied, breeding systems and even pollinator relationships were conservative in these species pairs. In contrast to what one might expect, speciation does not seem to have been driven by - - or even accompanied by - - disruptive selection for breeding features.
The final talk of the morning - - a tour de force of pollination syndromes in tropical Asclepiadaceae - - was presented by Sigrid Liede who began by demonstrating that among publications dealing with the reproductive biology of Asclepiadaceae, the vast majority have dealt with temperate North American members of Asclepias....a familiar story for tropical biologists. Liede went on to describe the distribution of pollination syndromes in taxa occurring in both New and Old World dry tropical habitats and representing diverse groups within this family. It is especially interesting that myiophily (fly- pollination) appears to have evolved multiple times within the family, being present in some members of all tribes for which here are data. This is consistent with the idea that the evolution of large packages of pollen (pollinia) is an adaptation for successful reproduction in the face of scarce pollinators.
The final talk was to have been presented by Wilfried Morawetz who, lamentably, was unable to attend. We substituted an open discussion of the papers presented and of plant reproductive biology in tropical dry regions in general. A very lively exchange ensued, one result of which was the formation of an informal network of scientists working in tropical dry areas (to be included, send contact information- - ideally Email address- - to me at the address below). There was a strong sense that the symposium was highly successful in bringing together people with interests in a tropical habitat that often gets overshadowed by its more mesic neighbors. It is clear that tropical dry vegetation types are far more endangered than wetter forests, and also are of considerable long- term importance to human beings. We hope to have at least one symposium devoted to aspects of the biology of tropical dry habitats at future meetings of ATB. Individuals interested in being part of the dry forest network or in organizing future symposia should get in touch!- - FAX (520) 621- 9190; Tel: (502) 621- 8220; Email:
Wetland and Grassland Avifauna. The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) announces the Salim Ali Centenary Seminar on Conservation of Avifauna of Wetlands and Grasslands, 12- 15 February 1996, in honor of the Indian ornithologist. The objective of this international seminar is to bring together an international team of experts and planners to identify and recommend options for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and grasslands to ensure the future of this valuable natural resource. The seminar will provide an opportunity to discuss and examine the work done by both international and local agencies in this context. The provisional program includes sessions on: avian groups including cranes, ducks and geese, bustards and floricans, raptors, waders, storks and herons; and conservation of grassland and wetland habitats. It is hoped that, as a result of the seminar an an international network for the conservation of these habitats will be developed, and international cooperation on projects and programs will result. A special volume of the BNHS Journal is planned. The venue will be the Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research in Bombay. Abstracts for contributed papers are due 1 October 1995. Information: The Organizing Secretary, Salim Ali Centenary Seminar, Bombay Natural History, Hornbill House, Dr. Salim Ali Chowk, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Bombay 400 023, India. Tel: 91 22 2643421; FAX: 91 22 2837615.
Soils and Vegetation in the Colombian Amazon. In June 1995, the Tropenbos Foundation published the final report of a land- ecological mapping project of the middle Caqueta area near Araracuara, in Colombian Amazonia. The book, A Land- ecological Study of Soils, Vegetation, and Plant Diversity in Colombian Amazonia (Tropenbos Series No. 12), is a follow- up of the Spanish survey report published in Colombia in 1993. It contains well over 400 pages of new information about spatial patterns of upper Amazonian soils and vegetation. Among many other topics (e.g. upland soil heterogeneity, thin section analyses) the soil section presents a systematic treatment of humus forms in mature rain forests (the first ever from lowland tropical ecosystems), including nutrient analyses, fine root patterns, and litter fall input. The chapters about vegetation describe rain forest- environment relationships by DCA and CCA analyses, discuss the main factors behind the very high levels of tree species diversity, and present data on total plant species counts. Moreover, phytosociological and phytogeographic analyses of the Amazonian savanna vegetation on top of the sandstone plateau near Araracuara, a low outlier of the table- mountains well- known from the Guayana Highlands, are included. Especially valuable are the soil descriptions with analyses of 46 profiles, and the lists of plant species collected in the area. The book provides essential information to biologists and earth scientists interested in the ecology, conservation, and use of species- rich rain forests of upper Amazonia, and those of Colombia in particular. Orders: Bakhuys Publishers, Universal Book Services, PO Box 321, 2300 AH Leiden, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 71 170208, FAX: +31 71 171856. For information on how to obtain the Spanish survey report (including sheets of the landscape- ecological and land use map of the middle Caqueta area) or the other publications of Tropenbos- Colombia, contact: Programa Tropenbos, A.A. 036062, Santa F_ de Bogot_, D.C., Colombia.
The Tropenbos foundation aims at contributing to the conservation and wise use of tropical rain forests by generating knowledge and methodologies, and by involving and strengthening local research institutions and capacity. Information about publications of the other Tropenbos sites (located in Guyana, Indonesia, Cameroon, C_te d'Ivoire) can be obtained at: The Tropenbos Foundation, PO Box 232, 6700 AE Wageningen, The Netherlands, or at Backhuys Publishers. - - Joost. F. Duivenvoorden and Johanna M. Lips
Neotropical Mammals. The study of neotropical mammals is a fascinating and diverse arena in the research of Neotropical biodiversity. The journal Mastozoolg_a Neotropical, a publication of the Argentinian Society for the Study of Mammals, is devoted to the publication of original research, technical notes, comments, opinions and reviews covering the wide array of disciplines that study the living and extinct neotropical mammals. Information: Ricardo A. Ojeda, Editor, Mastozoolg_a Neotropical, IADIZA- CC 507.5500 Mendoza, Argentina. Tel: (061) 287- 995; FAX: (061) 287- 370.
ATB will be meeting with the Ecological Society of America in Providence, Rhode Island, 11- 15 August 1996. Deadline for receipt of abtracts is 31 Jan 1996. Check the September issue of the Bulletin of the ESA for details.
ATB call for Internet Addresses. The Association for Tropical Biology is building a web site at This site will include links to tropical biology internet addresses around the world. This will include URL's (addresses) for ftp:, http:, and telnet). If you know of a site that should be included, please send the complete address to
Neotropical biodiversity and conservation: pointing to the future. This all- day symposium on October 27 1995 will be sponsored by the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden. This is a tribute to Professor Mathias (1906- 1995), who devoted much effort during her career to this topic. The speakers are: Julie Denslow: Disturbance and diversity in tropical rain forest, Diane W. Davidson: Tropical ants and plants: some patterns and unanswered questions, Philip J. Devries: Evolution of tropical biodiversity: patterns from butterfly- ant symbioses, Peter H. Raven: Sampling plant biodiversity in the Neotropics, Kent Redford, Natural histories: the parks in peril program at the Nature Conservancy, and Luis D. G_mez, Conservation of tropical biodiversity: the views from within. Attendance at the symposium will be free, and parking is available on campus for $5. Tickets for an evening reception and dinner can be purchased by calling Barry Prigge or Arthur Gibson at (310) 825- 3620, FAX: (310) 206- 3987. Profits from the evening event will be donated to the Las Cruces Biological Station, Organization for Tropical Studies, San Vito, Costa Rica. A new video on the life of Mildred Mathias will be shown at the dinner. A college- level neotropical publication will result. - - Arthur Gibson.
BioNET and Marine Biodiversity. The Biodiversity Action Network has formed a Marine Working Group to support conservation of marine biodiversity, especially in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Organizations with which BioNET will be working closely include the International Marine Conservation Network and the Center for International Environmental Law. The assistance of scientists with expertise in marine and coastal biodiversity will be needed. Information: Sheldon Cohen, BioNET, 424 C Street, NE, Washington DC 20002. Tel: (202) 547- 8902; Email: - - The Newsletter of the Ecological Society of America.
Mellon Exploratory Research awards. $2000 research awards for comparative STRI- OTS research are available to scientists of all levels and nationalities. Research must take place at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica and/or Barro Colorado Island or surrounding areas (e.g., Gigante Peninsula, Pipeline Road) in Panama. Research funded under this grant must address a comparative issue between BCI (or surrounding area) and La Selva. Applicants with data from one site are encouraged to apply for funds to visit the other site. Proposals that show how the data collected will lead to future projects funded by other agencies are expecially encouraged. Proposals to fund travel to one or both sites for the purpose of meeting with collaborators or to give semin ars are acceptable. Activities that can be funded are: travel to and from either site, station fees at either site, and minor equipment needs to carry out project. Awards of uo to $2000 will be awarded. Submit the following application materials: Proposal (5 page max; 12 point minimum font; English or Spanish) and c.v. including publication and funding history. Applications should be mailed as follows: if applicant (1) has worked primarily at La Selva, (2) has data from La Selva and wants to compare it to BCI, or (3) is from an OTS member institution, send to: Mellon Comparative Research Grants, La Selva Biological Station, Interlink 341, PO Box 02- 5635, Miami, FL, 33152, Fax: (506) 710- 1414, Email: LASELVA@NS.OTS.AC.CR. If applicant (1) has worked primarily at BCI or (2) has data from BCI and wants to compare it to La Selva, please send information to: Education Office, Smithsonian, Apdo 2072, Balboa, Ancon, Panama, or: Unit 0948, APO AA 34002- 0948, USA; Email: STRI.TIVOLI.DEALBAG@IC.SI.EDU. Applicants with no attachment to either site may submit their application materials to either institution (but not both). Application review schedule: Proposals sent to La Selva will be reviewed every six months beginning 31 October 1995; proposals sent to STRI will be reviewed as they are received. This funding program ends December 1997.
New On- line Exhibit. The Smithsonian Institution's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and the United Nations Environment Programme announce the opening of a new on- line exhibit: Drylands- Bright Edges of the World. The exhibit is being held to increase awareness of the significance of dryland ecosystems. Web site: Comments: Frederick Engle, Center for Earth Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum, MRC- 315, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560. Tel: (202) 357- 1457; Email - The Newsletter of the Ecological Society of America.
Global Genetic Resources: Access, Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights will be the topic of the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Association of Systematics Collections, held in conjunction with the Beltsville Symposium at the Beltsville, Maryland Agricultural Research Center, 19- 22 May 1996. Scientists worldwide will explore issues related to ownership of and access to genetic resources and biological specimens around the world. Among the subjects discussed will be access to collecting and collections; the international distribution of germplasm; the exchange of scientific information on biodiversity; and current policies and trends related to ownership and exchange of genetic and biological resources. International experts will address subjects related to biological resources for comparative taxonomic study, including food and fiber crops, insects that are natural enemies of corp pests and microorganisms like fungi, yeasts, and parasites. The ASC will also sponsor a 1 1/2 day, presymposium workshop on public affairs advocacy. Information on the workshop: Elaine Hoagland, Tel: (202) 347- 2850, FAX: (202) 347- 0072; Email: Information on symposium: Amy Y. Rossman, Tel: (301) 504- 5364; FAX: (301) 504- 5810; Email: amy@fungi.ars-
Meetings and Events
Items marked * are new in this issue.
Fire Management and Natural Resource Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Guadalajara, M_xico, 5- 11 November. Information: A. Koonce, Prescribed Fire Research, USDA Forest Service, 4955 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, CA 92507- 6071, USA. FAX (909) 276- 6426.
*Protected Areas in Resource- Based Economies: Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecological Integrity. Calgary, Alberta, 7- 8 November. Organized by the Canadian Council on Ecological Areas. Robyn Usher, Conference Registrar, Suite 200, 1122- 4th Street, SW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1M1. Tel: (403) 269- 9466; Email:
*4th Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. New Orleans, Louisiana USA, 4- 6 March. Co- sponsored by Louisiana State University, Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, and the University of Florida. Information: Karen Grosk, FAX: (504) 388- 6423, Email:
*Integration of Cultural and Natural Ecosystems Across Landscapes: Application of the Science, 11th Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium. Galveston Island, Texas, USA, 26- 30 March. Information: Robert Coulson, Local Host- IALE '96, Dept. of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. Tel: (409) 845- 9724; Email
World Heritage Tropical Forests: Science for Better Conservation Management. Cairns, North Queensland, Australia, 2- 7 September. Information: Conference Secretariat: Tel: (07) 369 0477, FAX: (07) 369 1512.
*5th Intecol International Wetlands Conference. Perth, Australia, 22- 28 September. Information: Dr. Jenny Davis, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150. Tel: 61 9 360 2939; Email:
III Latin American Congress of Ecology. M_rida, Venezuela, 22- 28 October. Information: Dr. Jaime E. P_faur, Secretario Ejecutivo, III Congreso Latinoamericano de Ecolog_a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de los Andes, M_rida, Venezuela 5101.
Graduate Opportunities
Graduate Research Assistantships (Ph.D. or M.S.). The University of Hawaii seeks outstanding candidates for its NSF Graduate Research Training assistantships in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Processes of evolution and extinction have been accentuated and accelerated in the Hawaiian archipelago, allowing it to serve as a microcosm for issues and concerns in evolution and conservation of tropical biota. Deadline: 1 February 1996. Assistantships commence August 1996. Contact Kenneth Kaneshiro (Chair) or Rosemary Gillespie (Associate Chair), Center for Conservation Research and Training, University of Hawaii, 3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 409, Honolulu, HI 96822. Tel: (808) 956- 8884; Email:
Ph.D. Assistantships. Two assistantships will be available, pending availability of funding, beginning spring 1996 to study interactions of mammalian predators with ground nesting birds in fragmented wetland/grassland landscapes. Project combines field studies of predators, nesting waterfowl and Neotropical migrants, with modeling of optimal foraging in fragmented landscapes. Support will include a stipend of $14,000, waiver of half of resident tuition, and the potential of scholarship support for the remaining tuition. An M.S. in biology or equivalent experience is required. Field experience including telemetry, as well as skills in statistics, modeling, programming, and GIS will be selective factors. Decisions are likely by 15 November 1996. Applicants are encouraged to immediately send letter of interest and resume to William R. Clark or Rolf R. Koford, Department of Animal Ecology, Iowa State University, Ames IA 50011. Tel: (515) 294- 3056; FAX: (515) 294- 5468; Email: or
Semester Field Course in Costa Rica: "Resource Management and Sustainable Development". The Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS) is a non- profit foundation for the study and analysis of Central American social and environmental issues. The ICADS Field Course offers students the opportunity to work in both natural and social sciences (ecology, economics, sociology, and political science) regardless of past experience. Through a combination of lectures, field work, independent research and intensive Spanish training, students: (1) analyze the historical and contemporary relationships between the use of natural resources and the social and economic systems dependent upon their use; (2) study the social and economic relations between first and third world societies and their impact upon the use of Central America's natural resources; (3) study tropical biological diversity and its role in defining natural ecosystem dynamics; (4) Collaborate with communities to identify needs, and help develop new strategies for effective and sustainable management of human and natural resources. The 14- week semester is divided into three blocks. Four weeks are spent in San Jos_ where students study intensive Spanish and complete the first field portion of the course. During the next five weeks students learn social and natural science research methods while working and living in communities at three field sites in ecologically distinct areas of the country. The final five weeks are devoted to independent projects; students return to one of the previously visited field sites to study in depth an issue of their choice in either natural or social sciences. Recommended credit: Spanish (3 credits), Ecology of Managed and Natural Ecosystems (4 credits), Socio- economic Analysis of Costa Rican Economic Development (4 credits), and Independent Study Project (4 credits). Programs are open to undergraduates from all colleges and universities. ICADS is affiliated with Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Tuition and program fees for Spring and Fall terms are $6,900 (for 1997, add 7%). Applications deadlines for Spring: October 1/November 1 (early/late) and Fall: March 1/April 1 (early/late). Information and applications: ICADS, Dept. 826, P.O. Box 025216, Miami, Florida 33102- 5216; Tel (in Costa Rica): (506) 225- 0508; FAX: (506) 234- 1337; Email:
Coevolution expert needed. Florida International University is soliciting applications from distinguished scientists for the 1996 Glaser Visiting Professorship in the area of Coevolution. The Glaser Professor will offer a short course of 10 lectures over a 2- 3 week period during the Spring 1996 semester, give a departmental seminar and interact with faculty and students. Renumeration is $8,000. Apply with: letter of intent, brief course outline, resume, and sreprints of three relevant publications before 23 October 1995 to Dr. Philip Stoddard, Glaser Committee Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami FL 33199. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. FIU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Agroecology. The Board of Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz invites applications for an Associate or Full Professor position in sustainable agriculture (salary range: $45,000- $67,800). The successful candidate will also serve half- time as Director of the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. The Board is an interdisciplinary program. Current faculty come from economics, political science, geography, conservation and wildlife biology, restoration ecology, and agroecology. The Board has a Ph.D. program. Applicants should have a strong research record, success in gaining extramural funding, experience in on- farm and/or interdisciplinary research, and experience in program- building. Qualifications: Ph.D. in a social or natural science or agricultural discipline, experience in agricultural systems, excellence in teaching or extension, a record of funded research, interdisciplinary and collaborative experience, and evidence of academic leadership. We encourage candidates with specialties in areas such as agronomy, soil ecology, plant pathology, or experience in regional or international food systems. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, letters from three referees, up to 4 representative publications or research reports, and a letter describing their research, teaching or extension, and administrative experience to: Chair, Search Committee, Provision #504, Environmental Studies Board, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 by 9 November 1995. Appointment contingent upon final administrative and budgetary approval. UCSC is an AA/EEO/IRCA employer. Write or FAX for complete description of position (408- 459- 3518).
Senior Advisor- - Indonesia. Position available with the Nature Conservancy. Duties: assists with development and implementation of comprehensive conservation programs; raises funds from local, national, and international sources and trains in- country staff to raise funds; negotiates grants and contracts for various large projects; assists with oversight and administration of in- country staff, project development, and financial administration; and assists with community development and infrastructure building activities. Qualifications: at least five years experience in natural resources management, institutional development or community development; strong fundraising and negotiating skills; Indonesia experience desired; cross- cultural experience overseas required; and ability to commit to Indonesia posting for at least 2- 3 years. Send resumes to: Kim Gould, The Nature Conservancy, 1116 Smith Street, #201, Honolulu, HI 96817. FAX: (808) 545- 2019; Email:
Director, WHSRN Secretariat, Manomet Observatory for Conservation Sciences. The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Network, a voluntary collaborative of public and private agencies throughout the American hemisphere, gives international recognition to critical shorebird habitats and promotes their cooperative management and protection. The Director of the WHSRN Secretariat, working in conjunction with the WHSRN Council and member sites, is responsible for identifying and responding to opportunities to meet the Network's management, research and public information goals for nominating new sites, maintaining the strong collaborative character of the Network, promoting and supporting local and regional initiatives that will benefit from the WHSRN affiliation, and seeking new opportunities to expand the Network's impact. Will maintain close working relationships with state, provincial and federal agencies and interested organizations focused on wetlands preservation and management, will develop and implement programs geared toward providing support for ongoing site management, research, public information, and information exchange. Will represent WHSRN at international, national, and regional conferences and meetings, make formal presentations, coordinate fund rasing for WHSRN and manage budget. Requires a masters degree in Natural Resources o Public Policy, or equivalent, abroad knowledge of wetlands conservation and familiarity with bird conservation issues. Extensive experience in a responsible position in a conservation program that required participation of many stakeholders. Proven ability to lead, create programs, win support, deal effectively with diverse interest groups. Good writing and public speaking skills. Bilingual in Spanish and English highly desirable. Salary $40's to low $50's depending on experience, full benefits package. Send resume and letter to WHSRN Director, Manomet Observatory for Conservation Sciences, Box 1770, Manomet MA 02345- 1770. FAX: (508) 224- 9220. An EOE organization.
Interpretive Rain Forest Biologist/Ecologist. We are actively looking for a Content Editor to aid in the development of the content for an interactive CD- ROM. This will be an freelance (contract) consultant position for approximately 10 months, with part- time to full- time workload. We would like to find someone who is in the DC metro area or nearby so that they can work with staff onsite if possible, but this is not a requirement. The Content Editor will be responsible for: developing the detailed content outline, story and script outlines for interactive components, and index, glossary and content cross references for the disc content. The Content Editor will direct writers and content reviewers, answer content question from production staff, identify specific content experts and coordinate content development with them, and work with art director, visual editor, and producer to determine photos, video, and illustrations needed for the content. Requires: Masters or Doctorate in Biology, Ecology or related field, specializing in Rain Forest ecosystems, full to part time availability from 8/95- 1/96 and part time availability 1/96- 5/96, the ability to work onsite in Washington DC part time, a desire to learn multimedia production. Previous experience writing or producing interpretive materials on Rainforests (Books, Articles, Exhibits) is desirable. The successful applicant will have the ability to be independent but also work well within a team production system, and will be able to use basic word processing, data base, and Email software (Macintosh preferred). Salary is negotiable. Information: Jeff Reynolds, Tel: (202) 333- 1063 ext. 335; Email: or AOL: cteno4.
Chimpanzee study. A position is available, funded through the European Union, to conduct a primate habitat survey in Guinea (primarily 2 regions of the country) within an 18 month period. This information will be used to recommend and help delineate wildlife reserve areas by the Government of Guinea. Best suited candidates would be tropical botanists or anthropologists. Interested individuals should contact: Janis Carter, P.O. Box 2506 SK, Serekunda, The Gambia, West Africa. FAX: (220) 460- 009
Fellowships and Funding
Neotropical Land Birds. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) requests proposals for conservation, research, and education projects in Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean that promote conservation of Neotropical migratory birds and their habitats. Proposals from the following countries will be considered: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Columbia. Limited funds have been made available to NFWF through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and will be awarded through a competitive Challenge Grants program. Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate integration with ongoing USAID biodiversity projects, and all projects MUST provide at least a one- ton- one match of cash and/or in- kind contributions, be based on a duration of not more than one year, and address the following priority objectives: 1) conservation of Neotropical migratory birds and their habits, particularly as related to local biodiversity and ecosystem conservation needs, through integrated natural resource management, monitoring, and/or applied research that addresses specific management and conservation needs; 2) promotion of public awareness of Neotropical migratory birds in Latin America, the Caribbean, and United States, as it relates to local needs and goals, through education and communications projects and partnership- building programs. Priority will be given to proposal that derive all or most matching funds from local sources; direct a minimum of 75% of award funding to in- country personnel and resources; and demonstrate coordination with conservation programs of other organizations and integration with ongoing USAID biodiversity projects. Deadlines for receiving completed proposals are 15 December 1995 and 15 April 1996; successful applicants will be notified 12 weeks after deadline. For a complete copy of the Grant Guidelines and Application, contact Peter Stangel or Andy Romero at NFWF, 1120 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Tel: (202) 857- 0166, FAX: (202) 857- 162; Email:
Sustainable Forest Products: Opportunity Within Crisis. This poster, produced by a Working Group of the World Environment Resources Program of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, presents a matrix in an attempt to describe the key players, issues, and external influences on the forest products industry, and to encourage more systematic thinking about sustainable forest management (SFM). The matrix advances a thought process that can be applied to decision- making in a wide variety of resource management issues, and as such may be useful to decision- makers in industry, policy development, professional training, public education, and conservation. It summarizes the MacArthur Working Group's research into strategies that may help to achieve more sustainable use of the world's forests. Three "flows" (or levels of thinking) are integrated in the matrix. These flows (product flow, process flow, and external factors affecting them) can help to identify problems and their solutions. The MacArthur Working Group was able to draw several important conclusions regarding SFM through the experience of developing the matrix. Their conclusions make a strong argument for development of strategy and policy at all levels, with a de- emphasis on top- down regulation. The Group also emphasizes the need to create alliances among the private sector, government, consumers, and environmental groups to improve forest management practices. The matrix is a work in progress, and comments and questions are welcome. For further information and copies, contact: Michael B. Jenkins, Associate Director, World Environment and Resources Program, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 140 South Dearborn Street, Chicago IL 60603. Tel: (312) 726- 8000; FAX: (312) 917- 0334; Email:
Environmental Grantmaking Foundations 1995. The 3rd edition of this directory lists 600 independent, community, and corporate- sponsored foundations that give environmental grants, totaling over $350 million in 1994. The directory was developed by the Environmental Data Research Institute, an nonprofit organization that monitors environmental funding. $70.00 plus $5.00 s&h to US addresses, 800 pp., softcover. ISBN: 0- 0631943- 2- 1. EDRI, 1655 Elmwood Ave., Suite 225, Rochester, NW 14620- 3426. Tel: (800) 724- 1857 and (716) 473- 3090; FAX: (716) 473- 0968.
Global Wetlands: Old World and New World. W.J. Mitsch (ed.). This volume addresses wetland issues as presented at the largest international wetland meeting ever. Elsevier Journal Information Center, POB 945, New York, NY 10159- 0945. Tel: (212) 633- 3650.
Domestication of Tropical Trees for Timber and Non- timber Products. R. Leakey and A. Newton (eds.). UNESCO, 7 Place de Fotnenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France.
Investigaci_n, Conservaci_n, y Desarrollo en Selvas Subtropicales de Monta_a. Brown, A.D. and H.R. Grau (eds.). 1995. Laboratorio de Investigaciones Ecol_gicas de las Yungas (LIEY). This book resulted from an international conference in Tucum_n, Argentina in April of 1993, which had the goal of bringing together professionals from a diverse set of disciplines to discuss and plan strategies for investigation, conservation, and long term development for the mountainous region of northeastern Argentina and southern Bolivia. The subtropical mountain forests of the region are under pressure from development and deforestation, although the water derived from them is essential for industrial, agricultural, and urban uses in the lowlands. The volume contains papers on ecology, climate, floristics, and fauna. $US 15.00 from: Myrian Roxana Aragon, C.C. N. 34 (4107), Yerba Buena, Tucuman, Argentina.