TROPINET, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 2000

Association for Tropical Biology on the World Wide Web at ATB members may want to check their listings in the Membership Directory posted on the homepage

The ATB 2001 Annual Meeting - Bangalore, India – July 15-18, 2001

The annual meeting in 2001 is an International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems: Structure , Diversity and Human Welfare. The deadline for registration is March 1, 2001, but early registration is advised, as the meeting will be restricted to 350-400 persons. Many symposia have already been finalized. Some contributed papers may also be selected for inclusion in the symposia. Information about the program, registration and accommodation is constantly updated at the meeting web site ( ). Travel support may be available for ATB members. Inquires about travel support should be addressed to the conference secretariat: An application for a block travel grant for US participants is pending with NSF. If the application were successful, an announcement would be posted at the website after December 15, 2000.

Redefining the Agenda for Tropical Biology
Kamaljit S. Bawa, President, Association for Tropical Biology
The University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

Thank you very much for giving me the privilege of speaking to you this evening. It is indeed an honor for me to stand here tonight and say a few words about tropical biology and about our association

I could talk tonight about a range of topics. One of the presidential addresses that will always remain fresh in my mind is that given by Herbert Baker many years ago, with beautiful images of flowers and pollinators. I could talk tonight about plant reproductive biology, since some of our earlier work was done in collaboration with Herbert, and he and others inspired much of it. Or I could talk about our recent work on gene flow, using simple sequence repeats that allow us to determine the paternity of each seedling on the forest floor, and to assess the impact of deforestation and forest fragmentation on gene flow and other population genetic parameters of tropical forest trees.

Or we could shift our attention from deforestation at a small scale to deforestation at a large scale. On the Indian subcontinent, my colleagues and I have been involved in an extensive analysis of deforestation and gap analysis for conservation planning. While all of these analyses are very useful, they do not address the real problem: How do we conserve biodiversity in a country such as India, where one billion people are exerting tremendous pressure on its natural resources? In Biligiri Rangan Hills, 5,000 Soligas, the indigenous people of the region, extract a wide range of non-timber forest products in an area of approximately 550km2. In this region, we have conducted various studies, from landscape level assessment of biodiversity and land use patterns to demography and population genetics of extracted species, to assess the prospects of sustainable use of forest resources. We have also helped Soligas establish and manage enterprises based on non-timber forest products, and to institute a participatory resource monitoring system. And we are trying to strengthen local institutions that may ensure conservation and sustainable use of forest resources.

But what is the real likelihood that the Soligas will use their resources sustainably? What is the likelihood that the biodiversity of Biligiri Rangan Hills will be conserved and that these ecosystems will continue to provide us new insights into the structure and function of tropical ecosystems? This is really what I want to talk about this evening.

Our biggest challenge is how to reconcile the tremendous need for conservation and protection with an equally pressing need for sustainable use of resources by millions of people throughout the world that depend upon their local ecosystems for their livelihoods. I believe that at the moment we cannot meet this challenge without fundamental institutional changes, particularly in the tropics. By institutions, I mean not only the organizational arrangements and structures, but also the set of rules and regulatory mechanisms that govern the behavior of various stakeholders in conservation and use of biodiversity.

In addition, we cannot meet this challenge because we are as yet unable to understand the complex interplay between ecological systems and the social and economic systems which impact those systems. We talk vaguely about the need to integrate ecological and social science approaches, while at the same time we keep pursuing highly individualized research agendas.

I believe that the Association for Tropical Biology (ATB) must play an important role in building coalitions to implement a more global agenda. Indeed, organizations such as the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), of which the ATB is a constituent, are increasingly pushing professional societies to move beyond their traditional roles of promoting interactions among colleagues, holding meetings and publishing journals--all important goals-- to addressing issues that lie at the intersection of science and societal concerns.

The ATB must work to enhance its effectiveness in meeting the goals of tropical biology. First among these goals must be that of fostering knowledge about the structure and function of tropical ecosystems. But we must pay increasing attention to a second goal -- the integration of biological knowledge with knowledge from other disciplines to promote sustainable use and conservation. We need to develop a conceptual and analytical framework for understanding the nature and outcome of interactions between complex tropical ecosystems and equally complex social systems. We must explore solutions to the loss of tropical biotas that draw upon interactions among natural and social scientists and the local communities that have vast knowledge about local ecosystems. We must build bridges between academic researchers and the communities that are affected by their work. Such alliances will generate new knowledge that advances our discipline and at the same time addresses societal needs. And to achieve this, we need a third goal – that of strengthening the institutional framework to address major challenges to tropical habitats and biotas.

The members of the Association for Tropical Biology and its sister organization, the Organization for Tropical Studies, have used their expertise for decades to help build human resources and to contribute to institutional development in the Americas. We must now bring our tremendous resources and experience to bear on other parts of the tropics, to help build resources and institutions that will ultimately sustain tropical nature for generations to come. We must help eradicate geographical and disciplinary boundaries that divide rather than unite us. In the next few decades, we will be increasingly united by the problems we address and not by the disciplines we represent. And we will be judged more by the application of knowledge we seek than by the amount of knowledge we accumulate.

I am happy to report that, in deciding to meet next year in Bangalore, India, the Association has taken a major initiative to reach out. I extend you all a warm invitation for the 2001 meeting, and to help in setting this ambitious agenda for the ATB in the next few decades.


Monte Lloyd Memorial Symposium

Monte Lloyd, Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago, passed away in November, 2000, of pneumonia. He was 73 years old and living in New Orleans with his wife and research partner, Joann White. Monte received his A.B. from UCLA and his PhD from the University of Chicago. He spent five years at Oxford University as a postdoctoral associate. After five years as an Assistant Professor at UCLA, he moved to the University of Chicago where he remained until his retirement. Monte was known for his energy and his passionate enthusiasm for research, teaching, and preserving Central American rainforests. He was instrumental in the establishment of several Central American national parks. His early research focused on measures of diversity and patchiness using Tribolium and forest litter organisms as model systems. He is well known for his research on many aspects of the ecology and evolution of 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas. He inspired and encouraged a large number of young researchers and students. He served as editor for the journal Ecology from 1968 to 1973. The Department of Ecology and Evolution of the University of Chicago is planning to sponsor a memorial symposium that is in the early stages of organization. If you were associated with Monte or shared his interests and would like to participate, please contact Chris Simon or Jerry Coyne

British Ecological Society Annual Symposium 2001
3-5 April 2001, The University of Reading, UK.

The theme will be 'Dispersal.” The symposium encompass all taxa and all areas of ecology. Speakers will present papers on modern techniques of dispersal measurement, evolution and behavioural ecology of dispersal, dispersal and spatial processes at different scales and the importance of dispersal in applied ecology. Details of the symposium can be found on the BES website: or by contacting the principal organiser: James Bullock, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, CEH Dorset, Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8ZD, UK.

US Regional Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) --16th Annual Symposium - April 25-29, 2001
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, The theme of the 2001 US-IALE Symposium will be understanding the interactions among pattern, process, scale, and hierarchy in human-dominated and natural landscapes, with a special emphasis on landscapes that have been profoundly modified by humans.

April 26-30, 2001
Taiyuan, China
For more information, please reply to the secretary general: Prof. Cai Qiangguo, Tel: 86-10-64889310, Fax: 86-10-64889630. Email:

6 - 8 June 2001, Alicante, Spain
Further information can be found on the website,
Susan Hanley, Conference Secretariat

Second Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology
June 21-26, 2001, San Francisco State University (California)

sponsored by Marine Conservation Biology Institute MCBI especially encourages participation from outside North America. Attendance will be limited to 700 registrants. Cosponsors for the Second Symposium include the Society for Conservation Biology, the President's Council on Environmental Quality, and the US Department of the Interior.

14-18 July 2001,Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

Plenary speakers include Eliot Brenowitz, Harry Greene and Ellen Ketterson. Symposia include 'Aggression and group organization in animal societies', 'Behavioral genetics for the next decade', 'Detecting and measuring mating preferences' and 'Song Learning'. For further information see, or contact the local hosts Andy Blaustein ( or Lynne Houck (


The Waterfowl Legacy - Links to Watershed Health; sponsored by Duck's Unlimited, will be held in Washington D. C. 20 - 22 July, 2001. A Latin American and Caribbean Waterfowl Conference Workshop will be held prior to the Symposium on 19 July. For further information on the scientific program or other details contact BRENDA CARLSON ( (901 758-3707), Ducks Unlimited, Inc., One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, TN 38120, USA. Additional symposium and registration information will be available at in the new year.

29 July - 1 August 2001, the University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii,.

The scientific program will consist of a plenary address by Sir Robert May, seven symposia, approximately 300 contributed oral presentations, two evening poster sessions, and a variety of workshops and discussions. The conference theme is Ecological Lessons from Islands, and includes such figurative islands as isolated fragments of habitat within altered landscapes. The meeting is co-hosted by the Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center (PIERC) of U.S.G.S. Biological Resources, the University of Hawaii, and Hawaii's Secretariat for Conservation Biology. For information, visit the conference website at

First International Conference - WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2001
24 - 26 September 2001, Halkidiki, Greece
Organised by Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and University of Thessaloniki, Greece With the collaboration of University of Delaware, USA. For the latest conference information, see:
For instructions on paper submission, please see:

Second International Nitrogen Conference (N2001)
October 14-18, 2001, Potomac Maryland, near Washington DC

Conference Theme: Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection. Website:
Abstract Deadline: March 1, 2001
For questions or further information please contact: Rhonda Kranz N2001 Ecological Society of America, 1707 H. Street, NW Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006. Email: Phone: 202 833-8773 ext 212. Fax: 202 833-8775.

The Queensland Government and the Smithsonian Institution are proud to support the 3rd International Canopy Conference to be held in Cairns, north Queensland, Australia. The conference theme is Science, Policy and Utilisation bringing together scientists, environment managers and policy-makers concerned with the discovery and sustainable use of forests around the world. website:


Working versions of three products of the biodiversity programme of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), in cooperation with the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History have been installed in new searchable interfaces at the National Museum of Natural History. All are still being developed.

Genera and species of the orders Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies), Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), Megaloptera (alderflies), Hemiptera-Heteroptera (true bugs), Homoptera (cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, and others), and Trichoptera (caddisflies) are available in a searchable interface (including type localities and references) or as pre-formated downloadable checklist pages (not including type localities and references).

This bibliographic database includes over 7500 citations to papers on the systematics, distribution, and ecology of insects (and related arthropods) of Africa south of the Sahara (including Madagascar and other islands). This is a working compilation derived from multiple sources. It is not yet intended to be comprehensive in coverage of any taxon or subject.


This bibliographic database includes over 1100 citations to papers on the use of insects and other terrestrial and freshwater arthropods in biodiversity studies. This is a working compilation derived from multiple sources. It is not intended to be comprehensive in coverage of any taxon or geographic region or subject. Most of the citations include keywords.
Older versions of all remain available on the ICIPE web site at The underlying data are also being incorporated in the ECOPORT database

Amsterdam University has established a data base with world taxonomists.
To register :
The more taxonomists are listed in the World Taxonomic Database , the more useful the database will be. Please forward this email to colleagues that haven't registered yet, so that they become aware of this free service.


WWW.IPNI.ORG lists more than 1.3 million scientific names for seed plants from around the world, with bibliographic references to the publications in which the plants were originally described. More information is available in a note in BioScience 50(9):840.

2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

IUCN-The World Conservation Union has spent the past four decades working to provide objective, scientifically based information on the current status of the earth's threatened biodiversity. To that end, IUCN-The World Conservation Union has just released its much-anticipated Red List of 2000, listing the more than 11,000 species of the earth's plants and animals that face a high risk of extinction in the near future. Since the IUCN's last assessment in 1996, over 200 new animal species have become threatened, almost all as a result of human activities. The searchable IUCN Red List Website has ten sections: Introduction, Data Organization, Red List Programme, Summary Statistics, Sources & Quality, Categories & Criteria, Habitat Types, Threat Types, Image Captions, and References. Two search options (regular and expert) enable users to search by taxonomic classification, with four additional modifiers: Red List Category, Country, Geographic Region, and/or Marine Region. Typical returns include taxonomic details (scientific classification and common name), Assessment Information, Distribution (by country), and Summary Documentation (Biome).


TROPICAL ECOLOGIST: Assistant Professor of Biology, Mesa State College. Teaching responsibilities (12 credits/semester) will include lower division majors/non-majors courses and upper division courses within their specialty. The successful candidate will be encouraged to offer research opportunities to undergraduates and seek external funding. A Ph.D. in Biology is required. The position is open to candidates with significant coursework, teaching and/or research experience in quantitative ecology and/or entomology with interest in plant/animal interactions. Preference will be given to candidates with tropical ecology experience. Nine month, full-time tenure track beginning mid August, 2001. Position will remain open until filled; however, to ensure full consideration, complete applications (six items listed below) must be received by January 15, 2001. Mesa State College is a state-supported baccalaureate institution of approximately 5,000 students. The college has a major commitment to the liberal arts and sciences and to the encouragement of scholarship. See for more information. APPLICATIONS: Submit (1) letter of application, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) statement of teaching philosophy, (4) statement of research interests, 5) unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and (6) three letters of references to: Dr. Steven D. Werman, Chair Department of Biological Sciences Mesa State College 1100 North Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501-3122 FAX 970/248-1700. Mesa State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

The Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida invites applications at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level for a 12-month, tenure-accruing position in wildlife ecology and conservation in Latin America with 60% research and 40% teaching responsibilities. The successful candidate will develop an internationally recognized research program and teach an undergraduate and graduate course in tropical wildlife and an interdisciplinary graduate seminar on tropical conservation and development. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in conservation biology, natural resource management, ecology, or related field and have experience in Latin America and a commitment to interdisciplinary training. Application deadline is February 1, 2000. Please see for a complete job description. Send curriculum vitae, statements of professional goals and teaching philosophy, official transcripts of academic work, and three letters of recommendation to Susan Jacobson, Chair, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in Latin America Search Committee, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, P.O. Box 110430, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0430, Telephone (352) 846-0562, FAX (352) 392-6984, Email Refer to position 930270. The University of Florida is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

The Rainforest Alliance will be accepting applications for the Kleinhans fellowship during January, 2001. This fellowship provides $15,000 per year for 2 years to one individual conducting research into the development of new markets for tropical non-timber forest products or the the expansion of existing markets. The fellowship area is restricted to Latin America. Applicants should have at least a master's degree in forestry, ecology, environmental science or an appropriate related field. For more information about the fellowship including application guidelines, please consult our webpage: Fellowship proposals should be submitted to Application deadline: January 31, 2000.

Cam Webb and Jim Jarvie, in collaboration with the Arnold Arboretum and the New York Botanical Garden Press, are preparing a fieldguide to the trees of Borneo. The book will be a semi-popular, illustrated guide to the genera and the most common/interesting species, and will be accompanied by electronic keys (based on a pre-existing DELTA dataset:
We are looking for a part-time assistant (hours negotiable), to be based in the Boston, MA area. Work will include research in the Harvard University Herbaria library, examination of herbarium specimens, and database management. The job will be for 1 year, with the option to extend for 2 additional years, and work could commence any time between March 2001 and September 2001. Interested candidates will be encouraged to apply to a posted position at the Arnold Arboretum. A love of botany and an aptitude for computers are more important than previous experience. A recently graduated undergraduate would be an ideal candidate, but everyone interested is invited to contact me.
Cam Webb (


Putz, F.E., K. H. Redford, J. G. Robinson, R. Fimbel, and G. M. Blate (2000). Biodiversity Conservation in the Context of Tropical Forest Management. Environment Department Papers # 75, Biodiversity Series-Impact Studies 1, The World Bank, Washington D.C. In this publication, the authors review the literature on logging and biodiversity conservation, and attempt to answer the question of whether biodiversity conservation is compatible with forest management.
Bennett, E. L., and J. G. Robinson. (2000) Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests: Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples. Economic Department Papers #76, Biodiversity Series-Impact Studies. The World Bank, Washington D.C. This report examines the impact of hunting on biodiversity and on the subsistence resources for forest peoples, and recommends institutional means to control trade in forest animals and to reduce economic demand.
These document can be downloaded from the following location: If you prefer a hardcopy please contact Ms. Sharon Esumei ( (, the official online bookshop of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has expanded to include environmental publications from five more international organisations:
* The World Health Organization
* Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
* United Nations University
* Tata Energy Research Institute
* International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
EarthPrint is a full-service online bookshop which has been operating since August 1999. It provides a central location for purchasing authoritative environmental publications from the world's most respected international organisations. Publications in EarthPrint are organized by categories, and the catalog is fully searchable.


The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) announces the following courses:

OTS-3 Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach (8 weeks – starts mid June) Offered continuously since 1964, this course is the flagship offering of OTS. This course is designed for students in the early stages of graduate study in biology or a related field, with the goal of training the next generation of tropical biologists in research methods by providing intensive field experience in diverse tropical ecosystems. Application deadline: March 16, 2001

OTS-7 Agroecología Tropical (6 weeks – starts mid June) This interdisciplinary course analyzes agricultural systems from an ecological perspective, with emphasis on scientific research methods and project design. This course is intended to serve graduate students and professionals in agronomy, ecology and related fields who have Spanish language proficiency. OTS member institution students with appropriate language skills are encouraged to apply. Partial fellowships may be available. Application deadline: January 31, 2001

OTS-12 Ecologia da Floresta Amazônica (4 weeks – 5 August to 5 September 2001) This course is offered in conjunction with the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), the Smithsonian Institution and the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Emphasis is on the ecology of flooded and terra firme forests in the region around Manaus in Brazil. The course is designed for Brazilian graduate students and other graduate students who are fluent in Portuguese. Tuition and travel support may be available. Application materials should be requested from and completed applications sent by May 18, 2001 to: Dr. Heraldo Vasconcelos – Ecologia Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas de Amazônia, CP 478, 69-011-970 Manaus, Amazônas, Brasil. Applications also available at

OTS-15 Field Course in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management with the Smithsonian Institution – Graduate and advanced undergraduate students from OTS member institutions are eligible to apply to participate in this Smithsonian Institution sponsored course to take place in Uganda in May and June of 2001. Up to 8 students from OTS member institutions will be accepted into the course, which the OTS Education Committee has agreed to list as OTS-15. Applications should be made directly to the course coordinator at the Smithsonian; contact OTS for details. Application deadline: 10 weeks prior to start of course.

Field courses with the Tropical Biology Association (TBA) – TBA is a consortium of European and African universities. OTS and TBA have agreed to initiate collaborative activities by offering a limited exchange of participants. For summer 2001, places will be available for up to two OTS students in each of the three courses offered in East Africa by TBA. Applicants must have completed at least 2 years of their first degree in a biological science by June 2001. Details about the TBA field courses can be found at

OTS/Duke University Undergraduate Semester Abroad Program in Costa Rica (15 weeks – fall 2001) This semester-long program is offered in collaboration with Duke University. Students enroll in four courses: Fundamentals of Tropical Biology, Field Research in Tropical Biology, Environmental Science and Policy and Spanish Language and culture. The program visits the three OTS stations as well as other sites throughout Costa Rica. Application deadline for fall 2001: March 5, 2001

OTS/Duke University Summer Programs in Costa Rica
&Mac183; Tropical Ecology (4 weeks – June) focuses on the natural history of tropical habitats in an ecological and evolutionary context using both classroom and field instruction. Designed as a four-week field-course, participants in this program visit the three OTS field stations as well as several other ecologically important sites.
&Mac183; Introduction to Field Ethnobiology is a four-week course in the scientific study of the subsistence, medicinal, ceremonial and esthetic use of plants and animals by human societies. Using the Wilson Botanical Garden and Las Cruces Biological Station as a base, students will conduct rapid ethnobiological assessments at communities including the Zancudo Coastal community and Abrojos Guaymi Indian Reservation in southern Costa Rica.
&Mac183; Scholarship opportunities for racial and ethnic minorities for the 2001 undergraduate summer courses are available. Since 1999, more than 35% of the students in our summer courses have received funding from OTS

For more information on all these courses please contact the Organization for Tropical Studies, Box 90630, NC 27708-0630, Tel. (919) 684-5774, Fax (919) 684-5661, Email <>,