Biological inventory and management of ecological systems across the whole of the Australian savannas have been restricted in part by a lack of compatible vegetation mapping data. A number of smaller mapping datasets are available, but the diversity of interpretation techniques, variations in scale, and the lack of adequate edge-matching between maps, has meant that using these data in a regional approach has been problematic. In addition to the task of interpreting existing maps, the map being developed by the Herbarium will fill gaps in vegetation data, notably a substantial area of northwest Queensland, not previously mapped at a suitable quality or scale. This area of approximately 300,000 km2 is a major focus for the Queensland Herbarium mapping team.
Accurate and adequate site data will be essential to underpin the validity of the classification of any new map units developed. The design of a method for adequate field sampling within time and resource constraints has been a significant challenge. Northwest Queensland is an area of low population and has minimal road infrastructure. In addition, the summers are dominated by monsoon and cyclone rainfall patterns that restrict field access to winter (mid-year) months only.
Pre-selected sites have been chosen on the basis of anticipated vegetation, geographic distribution and suitable means of access. Information about anticipated vegetation was derived from Landsystem maps and reports which were a product of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), providing an assessment of the potential for agricultural development. Landsystems are based on broad areas of similar landform, each having a distinct pattern of soil and vegetation associations. The vegetation itself was not mapped, but each Landsystem describes a number of vegetation types that may be encountered in a given area. The Landsystem maps used in this project were produced in 1948, 1954 and 1972. A major drawback with this and other older map information is that it was produced prior to modern digital mapping technology. Consequently much of the data, whilst having ecological integrity, does not necessarily have spatial accuracy when used in GIS (geographical information systems).
Additional information includes the 1:5 million (1990) map of the vegetation of Australia and recently captured Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite image data. These datasets provide an indication of the diversity and extent of broad structural classes of vegetation that are present. These information layers are held in a PC-based GIS. As each site is selected on screen, information about its location (coordinates), anticipated vegetation, landform, soil type and any other relevant characteristic is recorded and entered into a separate database to be taken on field trips. Prior to commencing each trip, the positional coordinates for each of those selected sites are entered as waypoints into a vehicle-mounted GPS (global positioning system) to enable navigation to the sites.
A project trial of this method showed that not only can the sites be accurately selected and navigated to, but that the anticipated vegetation was correct for about two out of three sites visited. Whether this will hold true across all sites is yet to be seen. Should it prove to be the case, a solid information framework will be established, to which the team botanists can add data from opportunistically-selected sites while in the field.
Having reached a site, data collection will follow the Queensland Herbariums standard field methodology that is currently being employed in the ongoing vegetation and ecosystem mapping of Queensland. Typical information collected from these 50 metre by 10 metre sites includes the species present in each structural layer, the foliage projective cover and basal area, and soil, geology, slope and aspect data. An averaging GPS is used to record the position of each site. The data are recorded manually in the field and then entered into the Herbariums CORVEG database for analysis.
In addition to these plot-based sites, observational data are collected during all vehicular traverses. One of the botanists in the vehicle uses the vehicle GPS and an audio recording tape to record the position and broad vegetation information whilst the vehicle is in transit. The information is later transcribed from tape into a database. With a recording taken at kilometer intervals, these observational sites provide a secondary layer of field data that can be used in the GIS. They form a critical component of the final analysis of the vegetation patterns that occur on the ground by providing an on-screen point by point description of the country traversed in the field.
The final and perhaps most complex phase in the production of the map will be the development of a consistent set of map unit descriptors for 1:1million detail that can be applied to savanna vegetation across the continent. These will then be generalized further to produce the final map. The process will require a synthesis of the hundreds of map units that currently describe the vegetation patterns interpreted in the earlier work of the many botanists who mapped the area. Compiling those maps into a complete overview will provide baseline vegetation data for use in ecological research and management across the full extent of Australias tropical savannas.
Information about the project is available from Ian Fox. Information about the research themes of the Cooperative Research Centre for the Sustainable Management of Tropical Savannas is available at Information about the Queensland Herbariums mapping program is available at
Australian Surveying and Land Information Group, (1990), Atlas of Australian Resources: Vegetation, Series 3, Vol. 6: Department of Administrative Services, Canberra.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, (1970), Lands of the Mitchell-Normanby Area, Queensland, Land Research Series No. 26, CSIRO, Canberra.
Cooperative Research Centre for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannas, (1998), Tropical Savannas CRC Project Guide 1998-99, TS-CRC, Darwin.
Neldner, V.J., (1993), Vegetation Survey and Mapping in Queensland, in Queensland Botany Bulletin No. 12, Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane.
The working group is updating its mailing list of those working on dipterocarps, as well as adding all recently published research to its database. Please send names, addresses, and citations (or reprints) of recently published research on dipterocarps to David Lee, Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA, Tel: (305) 348-311, Fax: (305) 348-1986, Email:
Latin America
Conservation and Agriculture. Grupo del Oro, S.A., a Costa Rican orange producer, recently signed a historic contract with the neighboring Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG) for the ecological value ACG provides to Del Oros farms. Del Oro will pay ACG $480,000 over 20 years in exchange for "environmental services" provided by the conservation area. "We understand the value of having a conservation area as our neighbor" says Norman Warren, Del Oro CEO, "and are willing to pay for their services." Among the environmental services that Del Oro is compensating ACG for are: biological pest control, water supply, biodegradation or orange pulp, rental of isolated nursery space, and consulting services by ACG biologists. Del Oro will pay for the services with forested land. Del Oros property covers 3200 ha, 2000 of which are orange orchards. Part of the farm adjoins the northern boundary of the ACG, an area comprised of dry forest, rainforest, and cloudforest ecosystems. Del Oro will transfer ownership of 1200 ha to ACG. These remnants are some of the last remaining representatives of these forest types in the region, and as such, are extremely important as biological corridors for ACG. Del Oro was certified in 1998 by the Conservation Agriculture Network, a coalition of nonprofit conservation groups. The mission of CAN is to transform the social and environmental conditions in tropical agriculture through conservation certificationfrom Agroscape, a publication of CAN and Rain Forest Alliance, 65 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012. Email:,
Call for Papers: Shorebird Symposium, 8 October 1999, Monterrey, Mexico. The special symposium will be organized by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) in cooperation with the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) and the Consejo Internacionál para la Conservación de las Aves, Sección México (CIPA-MEX), organizers of the Congress. WHSRN invites abstracts for oral and poster presentations on biology, ecology, and conservation of shorebirds. Submission guidelines: abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and must include title, author(s)/presenter & affiliation, statement of objectives, methods, results, and discussion/conclusions. Abstracts may be submitted by mail on paper, on a 3.5-inch computer diskette formatted in DOS, or by e-mail as an attached document. Electronically formatted abstracts must be in either MS Word or ASCII/RTF format. No MAC formatted disks can be accepted. All submissions must include the authors full name, title, postal address (including country and postal codes), telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address. All authors will be notified of receipt of their abstracts. Acceptance of presentations will be made until the session is filled and authors will be notified once their paper is accepted or declined. All accepted authors will be asked to submit a complete printed version of their presentation no later than 1 September 1999 for distribution and inclusion in the Proceedings.--Jim Corven, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, P.O. Box 1770, Manomet, MA 02345, U.S.A. Email:
North America
Congressional committees pass migratory bird conservation act. In March, the House Resources Committee and the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee each passed the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, H.R. 39 and S. 148, respectively. This legislation would establish a program to provide assistance in the conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their habitats. By leveraging federal tax dollars, the program would help to build partnerships with the business community, non-governmental organizations, and foreign nations in support of bird and habitat conservation. "This bill addresses the critical need of protecting and enhancing the populations of neotropical migratory birds in their winter homes," said Dan Beard, the National Audubon Society's senior vice president for public policy. "The habitat of hundreds of species of migratory songbirds is being threatened in Latin America and the Caribbean." --Island Resources Foundation, 1718 "P" Street NW, # T-4, Washington, DC 20036; Tel: (202) 265-9712; Fax: (202) 232-0748;
A Symposium on Alexander von Humboldts Natural History Legacy. Boston Universitys Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology in collaboration with the Humboldt Field Research Institute, announces a symposium scheduled for 8-9 October 1999, to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the beginning of Alexander von Humboldts five-year pioneering expedition in the American tropics. On Friday evening, 8 October, Loren McIntyre, distinguished author and photographer, will give the opening keynote address entitled "In the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt." A former writer and photographer for National Geographic, McIntyre is most recently credited for his involvement in the filming and production of the movie Amazon, currently playing in IMAX theaters worldwide. Throughout the day on Saturday, 9 October, a series of lectures will be given by distinguished scholars on topics ranging from the historical background of Humboldts legacy, his contributions to modern science, and his views of nature and man. On Saturday evening, October 9, Adrian Forsyth, noted scientist and author, will present the concluding keynote address entitled "Tropical Nature in the New Millennium," following a reception and dinner. Forsyth is the co-author of Tropical Nature with Ken Miyata, and the author of Portraits of a Rainforest, and The Natural History of Sex. An exhibit featuring Humboldt will be hosted at the Harvard University Herbaria on Sunday morning, 10 October. This exhibit will include portraits, books autographed by Humboldt, and more. A post-symposium expedition to Venezuela, "The Humboldt Experience," has been organized for 11-25 October, and will focus on the natural history and geography of the Río Orinoco. Information: Humboldt Field Research Institute, Dye Bay Road, P.O. Box 9, Steuben, ME 04680-0009; Tel: (207) 546-2821, Fax: (207) 546-3042, Email:
Field Station Profile
Tiputini Biodiversity Station--Ecuador
The Tiputini Biodiversity Station (TBS) was founded in 1995 by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, in collaboration with Boston University. It is located adjacent to the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, about 300 km ESE of Quito on the north bank of the Río Tiputini (a tributary of the Río Napo). TBS consists of about 650 hectares in one of the most species-rich, undisturbed regions in the Amazonian lowlands. The station and surrounding forest is well protected from development because it is part of the traditional territory of the Waorani people. TBS maintains a series of well-marked trails (more than 30 km) that provide access to an abundance of primary terra firma (upland) forest along with várzea (seasonally-flooded forest), swamps, and a small oxbow lake. A 35-m high canopy tower includes three platforms with a capacity for 8 persons, and a 100-meter long canopy walkway provides access to the forest canopy for observing and studying a wide variety of organisms from the vantage of emergent trees.
Ongoing research at TBS, which includes studies on insects, trees, lianas, birds, primates, and bats, has added significantly to the knowledge of the flora and fauna from this region. Twelve species of primates have been documented (at least half of them are commonly seen near the TBS compound) and more than 520 species of birds have been recorded. The forests at TBS support more than 1500 species of trees, with an average of nearly 300 species per hectare. Jaguars may be observed along the river, as are other wildlife such as tapirs, capybaras, caimans, otters, and river dolphins. David Pearson, in his recent book The New Key to Ecuador and the Galapagos, unabashedly recommends "TBS as the best place in all of Ecuador to observe wildlife."
The housing facilities at TBS support up to 32 students (four beds per room) and 14 researchers or other visitors (two beds per room). All rooms are screened and include bathrooms with showers (cold water) and flush toilets. Linen service is provided (sheets changed once per week and towels twice per week), and food service is available in a central dining hall where three tasty meals are served daily. Laundry service is available for long-term visitors. A generator produces electricity (100 v AC) for 5 to 6 hours each day. The TBS staff maintains radio contact with offices in Quito each day, and a satellite telephone (accessible to visitors at US$5/minute) provides increased flexibility in communication for safety and security. YPF (an Argentine Oil Company), located 2 hours by river from TBS, provides medical facilities 24 hours a day.
TBS welcomes both short- and long-term researchers. Facilities available for researches include a small laboratory building with basic laboratory equipment, such as drying ovens, dissecting microscopes, and specimen cases. Researchers are expected to bring their own specialized equipment as needed. The laboratory building also includes the TBS administrative office, an air-conditioned library and computer room, a conference room (with a video monitor/VCR, 35-mm slide projector, and overhead projector), modest bench space for general use, and a separate air-conditioned lab/office area for long-term researchers. A moderate amount of storage space is available. Additional information on "Policies and Guidelines for Research" are available on the TBS web site
TBS also provides the setting for undergraduate courses in Tropical Rainforest Ecology offered through Boston University and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Four-week courses are included as part of a semester-long Tropical Ecology Program (offered in fall and spring semesters) by Boston University. In addition to spending four weeks at TBS, students study at other locations in Ecuador, including several sites in the Andes Mountains, the coast, and the Galapagos Islands. A Jan-term course in Tropical Rainforest Ecology also is offered each year at TBS. Students or faculty interested in undergraduate programs at TBS should contact Boston Universitys Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology web site For information, visit the TBS web site, or contact Dr. Thomas H. Kunz (Email: at Boston University, or Dr. Kelly Swing (Email: at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Individuals interesting in arranging for special educational programs (including week-long natural history workshops, birding tours, etc.) should contact Dr. Carol Walton (Email:
Meetings and Events
Items marked (*) are new in this issue
*Animal Behavior Society. Annual Meeting, 26 June-1 July. Lewisburg PA. Information: Dr. Michael Pereira, Bucknell University, USA.,
*VI International Rangeland Congress, 19-23 July, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Information: VI International Rangeland Congress, POB 764, Aitkenvale, Townsville QULD 4814 Australia. Email: WWW:
*Neotropical Ornithological Congress, 4-10 October 1999. Information: http://www.cesctec1.mty.istesm/vicon.
*Landscape Futures Conference, September. Armidale, New South Wales, Australia. Hosted by UNESCO Institute for Bioregional Resource Management, University of New England. Information: David Brunckhorst, Division of Ecosystem Management and Director, UNESCO IBRM, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351. Email:, WWW:
VIII International Aroid Conference. 9-11 August. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri USA. Information: B. Cosgriff, Secretary General, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA. Fax: (314) 577-9596. Email:
*ESA 99-Ecological Society of Australia Conference, 26 September-1 October, Fremantle, Western Australia. Information: ESA 99 Conference Secretariat, POB 20, South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia. Fax: 08-9333 4444. Email:, WWW:
Sustainability of Wetlands and Water Resources: How well can riverine wetlands continue to support society into the 21st century? The Center for Water and Wetland Resources, University of Mississippi Field Station, Oxford, Mississippi USA. The focus of the conference will be on recent work in freshwater wetlands, both natural and constructed, with a view toward understanding wetland processes in a watershed context. Given Oxfords unique location in the lower Mississippi River drainage basin, the University of Mississippi invites colleagues from other major drainage basins to participate in this conference and to share experiences among river systems. Proposed topics include wetland restoration and reforestation, human health issues related to wetlands, valuation of wetland services, natural products from wetlands, water and wetlands in science education, environmental law, wetlands in agriculture, and biogeochemical cycling in wetlands. The format will be cross-disciplinary participation among junior and senior scientists, internationally known keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, and will include special participatory workshops with focus information for high school teachers. Program information: Dr. Marjorie M. Holland, The University of Mississippi, Department of Biology, 430 Shoemaker Hall, University, MS 38677 USA. Tel: (601) 232-5874, Fax: (601) 232-5144, Email:
12th International Bat Research Conference, Bangi, Malaysia, 5-9 August. Information: Dr. Zubaid Akbar, Dept. of Zoology, Universiti Kebangsaan Maylaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Malaysia. Email:
Research support
Lincoln Park Zoo Scott Neotropic Fund. SNF supports field research in conservation biology throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The fund emphasizes support of graduate students and other young researchers, particularly those from Latin America. Since 1986, the fund has awarded over 126 grants in 19 countries. Between five and 15 projects are supported each year. Awards are seldom greater than US$7500, and most awards fall in the range of $3000-$6000. Initial support is for up to 12 months from the date of award. Maximum duration of support is two years. Deadline for receipt of Scott Neotropic proposals is 1 September. For additional information and application procedures go to, Email, or write to: LINCOLN PARK ZOO SCOTT NEOTROPIC FUND, c/o Director of Conservation and Science, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL 60614.
Amphibian Emergencies. The Rapid Response Fund of the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force may provide funds for DAPTF members faced with a sudden situation requiring immediate study, such as a mass mortality event. Applications may be submitted to Dr. Tim Halliday at any time. They must be concise, provide a clear description of the emergency situations, explain how the award from DAPTF will either alleviate the situation or enhance our understanding of the declining amphibian phenomenon, and must include a budget. Awards will not normally exceed $US 200. T. Halliday, DAPTF International Director, Email:
BP Conservation Programme assists and encourages international teams of university students to undertake conservation research projects with long-term impacts. Projects must address a conservation issue of global importance, have a strong affiliation with the country where the project is located, and team members must be full-time or part-time students. Funding is a cooperative initiative between Birdlife International, Fauna and Flora International, and British Petroleum. Information: K. Gotto, BP Conservation Programme, Wellbrook Court, Griton Road, Cambridge CB3 OMA, UK. Tel: (44) 1223-277318. Email:
The International Foundation for Science (IFS) is an international NGO mandated to promote high quality research on the management, use, and conservation of biological resources and their environment. IFS provides small research grants to scientists in and from developing countries or to those employed at a developing country institution. IFS also funds projects that fall within the IFS Scientific Domain, which focuses on biological resources and their environment. Information: IFS, Grev Turegatan 19, 114 38 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: (46) 8-545-818-00. Email:
Faculty Position--Plant Biology: (one semester sabbatical replacement).--
Boston University seeks qualified applicants to teach a one-semester introductory course in plant biology during the fall semester 1999. This course meets weekly for three hours of lecture (M,W,F) and for three hours of laboratory and/or field trips. A graduate teaching assistant is assigned to the laboratory section of the course. This course is intended to introduce students to topics such as plant morphology, growth and development, physiology, biochemistry, ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Successful applicants should have a Ph.D. in plant biology and a demonstrated interest and enthusiasm for teaching undergraduates. Send cover letter, CV, and statement of teaching and research to Dr. Richard R. Primack, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, Phone: (617) 353-2454, Fax: (617) 353-6340; Email:
Faculty Positions --Tropical Ecology Program--Ecuador. Boston University seeks faculty applicants for its semester-long undergraduate Tropical Ecology Program. This program is offered during the fall and spring semesters each year and includes four courses: tropical rainforest ecology, tropical montane ecology, tropical coastal ecology, and topics in tropical ecology. Over half of the semester is spent at field locations, including 4 weeks at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station (lowland Amazonian rainforest), 2 1/2 weeks on the coast, 10 days on the Galapagos Islands, and 2 weeks at selected sites in the Andes Mountains. The final 4 weeks of the program are held in Quito, where students analyze field data, prepare reports, and make oral presentations based on their research in the field. Credits are awarded through Boston University. Position Requirements: Ph.D. in tropical ecology, competency in Spanish, teaching experience at the university level, and research experience in rainforest, montane, and/or coastal ecology. Starting dates are 25 August 1999 2 and January 2000. Individuals who are able to make a commitment for two or more semesters will be given preference. Compensation includes salary, benefits, transportation and a housing allowance in Quito. Applicants will be accepted until the positions are filled. Send cover letter, cv, and statement of teaching and research to Dr. Thomas H. Kunz, Program in Tropical Ecology, Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215. Tel: (617) 353-2474, Fax: (617) 353-5383, Email:
Science Educator. The expanding education program at Fairchild Tropical Garden requires a science educator to develop and implement instruction and activities focused on South Florida, the tropics, the environment and conservation, to meet needs of teachers, professionals and a multicultural community audience. This full-time position requires a minimum master's degree in botany, biology or related field; knowledge of learning theory; experience and dedication to teaching. Must enjoy a fast-paced multilingual outdoor environment where colleagues are passionate about plants and conservation. The position reports to the director of education and collaborates with botanical science, horticulture, education and interpretation professionals. Mail or FAX cover letter and resume to: Mary Neustein, Education Department, Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33156, Fax: (305) 661-8953. NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE.
Faculty Position, The School for Field Studies, Center for Sustainable Development Studies, Atenas, Costa Rica. Resource Management Faculty. Anticipated Start Date: 15 August 1999. The purpose of this residential position is to teach critical environmental issues and assist in the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary curriculum and research plan that address these issues. This position is lead faculty for the course Principles of Resource Management, which addresses the ecological, social and analytical tools used in conservation, restoration, and sustainable management. Requirements: scientifically relevant Ph.D. (preferred) or Masters; applied/field research experience; full course university-level teaching experience; experience in: resource management, land use planning, watershed management, protected areas issues, natural history, landscape ecology, water quality assessment, community development projects, participatory rural appraisal; familiarity with: applied tropical ecology, geography, soil erosion/geology, agro-forestry/ecology. Spanish language skills are required. To apply: Send cv and cover letter outlining relevant experiences to: The School for Field Studies, 16 Broadway, Attn: CC0294, Beverly MA 01915, USA, Fax: 1-978-927-5127, Email: Information:
Sing for your supper. Marenco Lodge, situated on the Pacific coast just north of Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica, seeks a naturalist guide in exchange for room, board, and logistical support. Preference for graduate students or others in the areas of Tropical Biology, Ecology or Forestry. Candidates should be able to be in residence at Marenco in October or November to become familiar with the area before high season starts around 15 December, and would remain in residence through the end of April. Information on Marenco: Inquiries:
Courses and Workshops
Undergraduate Tropical Ecology Program--Ecuador. Boston Universitys Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology and Office of International Programs invites applicants for its semester-long (16 week) undergraduate Tropical Ecology Program, held in Ecuador. This field-based program, with instruction in English, is available to qualified undergraduate concentrators in biology and environmental science. It is offered in both fall and spring semesters each year, and includes four courses: tropical rainforest ecology, tropical montane ecology, tropical coastal ecology, and topics in tropical ecology. Students and faculty spend over half of the semester at field locations, including 4 weeks at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station (lowland Amazonian rainforest), 2 1/2 weeks on the coast, 10 days on the Galapagos Islands, and 2 weeks at selected sites in the Andes mountains. During the final four weeks of the program, students have access to classrooms, computers, and the library at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and where they analyze field data, prepare reports, and give oral presentations based on their field research. When students are not in the field, they live with host families in Quito. Successful applicants must have completed one year of introductory biology, one semester of ecology, one year of Spanish, and maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 or better. Students who satisfy program requirements are awarded 16 semester credits from Boston University. Deadline for applications each year is 15 October for the spring semester and 15 April for the fall semester. Qualified applicants are accepted on a rolling basis upon receipt of a completed application. Information: Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215. Tel: (617) 353-246982, Fax: (617) 353-5383, Email:, Web Site:, or Division of International Programs, Boston University, 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA; Tel: (617) 353-9888, (617) 353-5402, Email:, Web Site:
Undergraduate January Term Course in Tropical Rainforest Ecology--Ecuador. Boston Universitys Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology and Office of International Programs invites applicants for its 2 week (2 semester credits) and 3 1/2-week (4 semester credits) Jan-term course in Tropical Rainforest Ecology, held at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in Ecuador. Each course is limited to 12 students. These courses, with instruction in English, are available to undergraduate concentrators in biology and environmental science. The courses are held at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station (lowland Amazonian rainforest). Credits are awarded from Boston University, upon satisfactory completion of program requirements. Application deadline for both courses is October 15 each year. Qualified applicants are accepted on a rolling basis upon receipt of a completed application. Information: Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215. Tel: (617) 353-6982, Fax: (617) 353-5383, Email:, Web Site:, or Division of International Programs, Boston University, 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA; Tel: (617) 353-9888, (617) 353-5402, Email:, Web Site:
The Institute for Tropical Marine Ecology. ITME offers a new marine science program & field station in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. Limited enrollment for summer 1999 is still available. Information: 12 South Church Street, Worcester, NY 12197-0430, U.S.A.; Phone: (607) 397 9796, Fax: (607) 397 9796. Email:, WWW:
Workshop: Design of biodiversity inventories and use of indicator groups. Villa de Leyva, Boyacá, Colombia, 25 November--5 December 1999. Coordinators: Federico Escobar S, Instituto Humboldt, Colombia. Email:, Mario E. Favila C., Instituto de Ecología, México, Applications accepted until 30 June, successful applicants will be notified by mid-August. Participants must pay $200 U.S. before beginning course activities. To apply, send a full cv with a 2-page summary, letter of intent, and two letters of recommendcation to: Federico Escobar, Instituto Humboldt, Programa de Inventarios de Biodiversidad, Apartado Aéreo 8693 Bogotá, D.C, Colombia.
Problem Snake Management: The Habu and the Brown Treesnake. G.H. Rodda, Y. Sawai, D. Chiszar, H. Tanaka (eds.). 1999. Cornell University Press, Sage Hourse, 512 East State Stree, Ithaca NY 14850. ISBN 0-8014-3507-2. 534 pp. $47.50. The brown treesnake is a costly introduced pest on Pacific Islands; the Habu is a venomous crotalid snake found on the high islands of the Amami and Okinawa island groups in southwest Japan. The editors of this volume indicate that the research that has been carried out on these two species "defines the frontiers of knowledge regarding the epidemiology of snake envenomation and the biodiversity problems caused by introduced snakes". With chapters by 53 contributors, this book gives a comprehensive review of the basic and biology of these two species, with emphasis on management steps necessary to protect human health and biodiversity.
Insects and their Natural Enemies Associated with Vegetables and Soybean in Southeast Asia. Shepard, B.M., G. R. Carner, A.T. Barion, P.A. C. Ooi, and H. van den Berg, 1999. Quality Printing Co., PO Box 1106, Orangeburg, SC 29116-1106. ISBN 0-9669073-0-2. 108 pp. + color plates. About $28.50 US, paperback.
Tropical Entomology. K. Yano and O. Yata (eds.) 16 authors. Chapter topics include: environment, life history, species diversity, origin and evolution, and protection of tropical insects, and a chapter outlining major tropical taxa. Kyushu University Press, Fukuoka, Japan. In Japanese. Xiv+405 pp., 3 col. Pls. 1999. ISBN 4-87378-583-9 C3045. Information: K. Yano, Asakuro-cho 11-23, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi, 753-0061, Japan. Tel. and Fax: 0839-25-8662.
Life in the Treetops: Adventures of a Woman in Field Biology. M.D. Lowman, 1999. Yale University Press, PO Box 209040, New Haven, CT 06520-9040 USA. WWW:
Deforestation: Tropical Forests in Decline. This new presentation is available on the website of CIDA Forestry Advisers Network
1999 Directory of Wetlands of International Importance. This recently updated list, consisting of nearly 1000 sites, was implemented by a large contingent of Wetlands International staff and consultants. Browse the directory at Orders: Natural History Book Service
Tropical Biology Address List Update. The complete list includes about 350 persons and is archived on It is also accessible via anonymous FTP from in directory pub/academic/biology/ecology+evolution/people, filename tropical. New addresses, changes to old ones, and suggestions can be sent to
Ecology and Management of Tropical Secondary Forests: Science, People, and Policy. M.R. Guariguata and B. Finegan (Eds.). 1999. Proceedings from a conference held at Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica. A Special Publication from CATIE and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Available from: Unidad de Manejo de Bosques, CATIE, Costa Rica. Email: